IHTC-2024 Optimization competition announcement

Posted by: Greet VANDEN BERGHE
Contact:[email protected]

  Integrated Healthcare Timetabling Competition

Scope of the competition

Building on the success of the earlier timetabling competitions, the Integrated Healthcare Timetabling Competition 2024 intends to stimulate research focusing on the challenges of integrated optimization problems.

The considered optimization problem integrates three critical problems in healthcare: surgical case planning, patient admission scheduling and nurse-to-room assignment.

For more details on the competition, please visit https://ihtc2024.github.io/.

May the winner be amongst you!

The top three will receive cash prizes and will be offered one free registration to EURO 2025 conference in Leeds, UK, that will include a special track on the competition. In detail:

First prize: €1100
Second prize: €700
Third prize: €400
Additional €200 for the best participant that uses only open-source software (i.e, no commercial software).

Important Dates
Competition start: September 1, 2024
Solutions submission: March 1, 2015
Finalists announcement: April 1, 2015
Winners announcement: May 1, 2025
Award ceremony: June 22-25, 2025 (at EURO 2025)

Organizing committee
Sara Ceschia, Roberto Maria Rosati, Andrea Schaerf, Eugenia Zanazzo
University of Udine, Italy
Pieter Smet, Greet Vanden Berghe
KU Leuven, Belgium

web: https://ihtc2024.github.io/
email: [email protected]  (if you want to receive timely updates about the
competition, please write us to be included in the designated mailing list)