First Corona Session on Staff Scheduling: Friday 15 January 13:00 - 15:-00

Posted by: Kenneth Sörensen
Contact:[email protected]

Dear member of ORBEL

Less than a week now separate us from the first "ORBEL Corona Session", the series of workshops aimed at PhD students that will replace this year's ORBEL conference.

The first session will take place on Friday 15 January, 13:00 to 15:00 and can be followed using the following link:

-- Details of the session

Topic: Staff scheduling
Organizers: Pieter Smet and Hatice Çalik (KULeuven)
(15 January 2021)

1.  Pieter Smet (KU Leuven) - Determining buffer sizes in staff rostering problems

2.  Mariana da Cunha (University of Lisbon) - Multi-objective workforce scheduling at the Portuguese emergency medical services

3.  Carlo Sartori (KU Leuven) - A constraint satisfaction algorithm for the truck driver scheduling problem with interdependent routes

4. Hatice Çalik (KU Leuven) - Staffing with training requirements


Full information, including abstracts of the talks, can be found on the website:

The session will take place via BlackBoard Collaborate Ultra, a browser-based platform that generally does not require any software installation. We have put some information for speakers online, as well as a test site where you can try out if everything works:

We hope to see you next Friday at 13:00 for the first ORBEL Corona Session!

Kenneth Sörensen and Lissa Melis