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Thursday 7 February:
Thursday 11:15-12:30 TA-1: COMEX Decision Making Room C.611 - Chair: B. Fortz
Thursday 11:15-12:30 TA-2: Production 1 Room C.601 - Chair: E.h. AGhezzaf
Thursday 11:15-12:30 TA-3: Global Optimization Room C.602 - Chair: D. Claeys
Thursday 11:15-12:30 TA-4: Transportation 1 Room C.603 - Chair: C. Vanovermeire
Thursday 14:00-15:40 TB-1: COMEX Health Room C.611 - Chair: G. Vanden Berghe
- Planning the caregivers at Landelijke Thuiszorg (PDF)
Marco Castro (University of Antwerp) Co-authors: Pablo Maya, Kenneth Sorensen, Peter Goos
- Automatic Constraint Weight Extraction for Nurse Rostering: A Case Study (PDF)
Mihail Mihaylov (CODeS, KAHO Sint-Lieven) Co-authors: Pieter Smet, Greet Vanden Berghe
- The overlapping case in an integrated staffing and rostering formulation (PDF)
Komar Komarudin (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) Co-authors: M.-A. Guerry, G. Vanden Berghe and T. De Feyter Abstract: Staffing which aims to determine the suitable personnel structure is one of the
human resource management activities. The personnel structure represents the
number of personnel in distinct personnel subgroups, distinguished by specific
work-related and individual characteristics. Occasionally, the staffing is then
followed by the rostering activity to allocate the personnel to shifts subject to
various constraints. However, in a situation where the suitability of the personnel
structure depends on the rostering result, the two activities are not appropriate
to be performed in a sequential way. Instead, staffing and rostering activities
need to be performed in an integrated manner. In this situation, the existence of
an undesired staffing situation (such as overstaffing and work overload) can only
be known accurately after solving the rostering problem.
- Hardness analysis and a new approach for the shift minimisation personnel task scheduling problem (PDF)
Pieter Smet (CODeS, KAHO Sint-Lieven) Co-authors: Tony Wauters, Greet Vanden Berghe
Thursday 14:00-15:40 TB-2: Routing Room C.601 - Chair: G.K. Janssens
Thursday 14:00-15:40 TB-3: Meta-Heuristics Room C.602 - Chair: P. Vansteenwegen
Thursday 14:00-15:40 TB-4: Transportation 2 Room C.603 - Chair: F.C.R Spieksma
Thursday 16:10-17:25 TC-1: COMEX Routing Room C.611 - Chair: K. Sôrensen
Thursday 16:10-17:25 TC-2: Sets, Relations and Rankings Room C.601 - Chair: B. De Baets
Thursday 16:10-17:25 TC-3: Logistics Room C.602 - Chair: S. Demeyer
Friday 9:00-10:15 FA-1: COMEX Logistics Room C.611 - Chair: Y. Crama
- The cooperative facility location problem (PDF)
Lotte Verdonck (Hasselt University, Research Foundation Flanders (FWO)) Co-authors: Patrick Beullens, An Caris, Katrien Ramaekers, Gerrit K. Janssens
- Two- and three-dimensional strip packing: a shaking procedure (PDF)
Tony Wauters (CODeS, KAHO Sint-Lieven) Co-authors: Jannes Verstichel, Greet Vanden Berghe
- Multiperiod vehicle loading with stochastic release dates (PDF)
Thierry Pironet (University of Liège) Co-authors: Y. Arda, Y. Crama, D. Kronus, Th. Pironet, P. Van Hentenryck
Friday 9:00-10:15 FA2: Production 2 Room C.611 - Chair: D. Tuyttens
Friday 9:00-10:15 FA-3: MIP Room C.603 - Chair: T. Dokka
Friday 14:00-15:40 FB-1: COMEX automatic tuning and organization Room C.611 - Chair: T. Stützle
Friday 14:00-15:40 FB2: Disaster, Water and Biology Room C.602 - Chair: L. Porretta
Friday 14:00-15:40 FB-3: Decision Making Room C.603 - Chair: D. Goossens