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The list of speakers will be available after the submission period.


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Guillaume Amand
University of Liège
Yasemin Ardageneral lotsizing problem in a closed-loop supply chain with uncertain returnsFriday 9:00-10:15
Kris Braekers
Universiteit Hasselt
An Caris, Gerrit K. JanssensA time-dependent vehicle routing problem in the service area of intermodal terminalsThursday 14:00-15:40
Valérie Brison
UMONS, Faculté Polytechnique
Marc PirlotElicitation procedures for the comparison of decisional mapsFriday 14:00-15:40
Marco Castro
University of Antwerp
Pablo Maya, Kenneth Sorensen, Peter GoosPlanning the caregivers at Landelijke ThuiszorgThursday 14:00-15:40
Dieter Claeys
Ghent University
Joris Walraevens, Bart Steyaert, Herwig BruneelOptimal group sizes for dynamic group screeningThursday 11:15-12:30
Sofie Coene
P. Maya, K. Sörensen, P. Goos, F.C.R. SpieksmaThe Budget-Constrained Min Cost Flow ProblemThursday 14:00-15:40
Annelies De Corte
University of Antwerp
Kenneth SörensenGeneration of synthetic water distribution networksFriday 14:00-15:40
Renaud De Landtsheer
Christophe PonsardOscaR.cbls: an open source framework for constraint-based local searchThursday 14:00-15:40
Karel De Loof
Universiteit Gent
K. De Loof, B. De Baets and H. De MeyerDice representability of reciprocal relationsThursday 16:10-17:25
Christof Defryn
University of Antwerp
C.Vanovermeire, K.SörensenThe eect of customer characteristics on coalition gains in collaborative vehicle routingThursday 14:00-15:40
Sofie Demeyer
Ghent University
Maarten Houbraken, Thijs Walcarius, Pieter Audenaert, Didier Colle, Mario PickavetUsing Contraction Hierarchies to Find Dissimilar Paths in Transportation NetworksThursday 11:15-12:30
Reginald Dewil
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Pieter Vansteenwegen, Dirk CattrysseHybrid approach for generating laser cutting tool pathsThursday 11:15-12:30
Ali Divsalar
KU Leuven
Pieter Vansteenwegen, Dirk CattrysseA Memetic Algorithm for the Orienteering Problem with Intermediate FacilitiesThursday 14:00-15:40
Trivikram Dokka
K U Leuven
Yves Crama, Frits SpieksmaApproximation Algorithms for Multi-Dimensional Vector Assignment problemsFriday 9:00-10:15
Alper Döyen
University of Liege
Necati Aras,Yasemin ArdaTwo-stage stochastic integer programming models for strategic disaster preparednessFriday 14:00-15:40
Véronique François
HEC-Management School of the University of Liège
Yasemin Arda and Yves CramaAn Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for a Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Trips and Driver ShiftsThursday 16:10-17:25
Dries Goossens
KU Leuven
Frits Spieksma, Sander Onderstal, Jan PijnackerDesigning a combinatorial auction for SolidsFriday 14:00-15:40
Renaud Hartert
Université Catholique de Louvain
Pierre SchausMulti-Objective Large Neighborhood SearchThursday 14:00-15:40
Maarten Houbraken
T. Walcarius, S. Demeyer, P. Audenaert, D. Colle, M. PickavetAn insertion-based heuristic for the constrained pickup and delivery problemThursday 16:10-17:25
Jochen Janssens
University of Antwerp
Joos Van Den BerghRouting for couriers: a multi-objective tabu search method to rebalance a tactical route plan with microzonesThursday 16:10-17:25
Komar Komarudin
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
M.-A. Guerry, G. Vanden Berghe and T. De FeyterThe overlapping case in an integrated staffing and rostering formulationThursday 14:00-15:40
Hande KÜÇÜkaydin
University of Liège
Yasemin Arda, Yves CramaElementary shortest path problems for a multiple-trip vehicle routing problemThursday 14:00-15:40
Arnaud Latiers
UCL Louvain-la-Neuve
Francois Glineur, Emmanuel De JaegerEnergy-Neutral Demand Response from a Large Population of batch-process loadsThursday 11:15-12:30
Manuel LÓpez-ibaÑez
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Franco Mascia, Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste and Thomas StützleFrom Grammars to Parameters: Automatic Design of Iterated Greedy AlgorithmsFriday 14:00-15:40
Virginie Lurkin
HEC- Université de Liège
Lurkin Virginie and Schyns MichaelAutomatic Aircraft Cargo Load Planning with Pick-up and DeliveriesThursday 16:10-17:25
Tom Maertens
Ghent University
Herwig BruneelOn a queue with customer deadlinesFriday 14:00-15:40
Tabitha Maes
Hasselt University
An Caris, Katrien Ramaekers, Gerrit K. JanssensA tabu-embedded simulated annealing algorithm for a selective pickup and delivery problemThursday 16:10-17:25
Thierry Marchant
Ghent University
Debasis MishraThe characterization of affine maximizers when there are only two alternatives\,: A technical noteFriday 9:00-10:15
Marie-eléonore Marmion
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Franco Mascia, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Thomas StützleAn Approach to the Automatic Configuration of a Generalized Metaheuristic StructuresFriday 14:00-15:40
Franco Mascia
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Mauro Birattari and Thomas StützlePredicting parameter configurations for tuning effective algorithms on very large instancesFriday 14:00-15:40
Tommy Messelis
KU Leuven kulak
Patrick De CausmaeckerAutomatic algorithm selection for multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problemsFriday 14:00-15:40
Mihail Mihaylov
CODeS, KAHO Sint-Lieven
Pieter Smet, Greet Vanden BergheAutomatic Constraint Weight Extraction for Nurse Rostering: A Case StudyThursday 14:00-15:40
Martine Mostert
University of Liege
Sabine LIMBOURGIntermodal network design for freight transportation in Belgium - location of rail/road and road/inland waterway terminalsThursday 11:15-12:30
Ward Passchyn
KU Leuven
S. Coene; F. C. R. Spieksma; G. Vanden Berghe; D. Briskorn; J. L. HurinkThe lockmaster's problem: a computational studyThursday 14:00-15:40
Thierry Pironet
University of Liège
Y. Arda, Y. Crama, D. Kronus, Th. Pironet, P. Van HentenryckMultiperiod vehicle loading with stochastic release datesFriday 9:00-10:15
Hanne Pollaris
Hasselt University
Kris Braekers, An Caris, Katrien Ramaekers, Gerrit K. JanssensState of the art of vehicle routing problems with loading constraintsThursday 14:00-15:40
Luciano Porretta
Université Libre de Bruxelles
D. Catanzaro, M. LabbeA Class Representative Model for Pure Parsimony Haplotyping under Uncertain DataFriday 14:00-15:40
Michael Rademaker
Bernard De BaetsUsing a natural monotonicity constraint as the basis of a ranking procedureThursday 16:10-17:25
Frederic Salmon
S.LimbourgOptimisation model for empty container repositioning.Thursday 14:00-15:40
Vladimir Shikhman
Université Catholique de Louvain
O. SteinOn jet-convex functions and their tensor productsThursday 11:15-12:30
Pieter Smet
CODeS, KAHO Sint-Lieven
Tony Wauters, Greet Vanden BergheHardness analysis and a new approach for the shift minimisation personnel task scheduling problemThursday 14:00-15:40
Kenneth Sörensen
Universiteit Antwerpen
Johan SpringaelProgressive multi-objective optimizationFriday 14:00-15:40
Luca Talarico
University of Antwerp
K. Sörensen and J. SpringaelNew Metaheuristics for the Risk Constraint Cash-in-Transit Vehicle Routing ProblemThursday 16:10-17:25
Fabrice Talla Nobibon
KU Leuven
L. Cherchye, Y. Crama, T. Demuynck, B. De Rock, and F.C.R. SpieksmaTesting Rationality of Collective Household ConsumptionThursday 11:15-12:30
Jean-sébastien Tancrez
Louvain School of Management, Université catholique de Louvain
A.C. Zeballos, R.W. SeifertDynamic Product Portfolio Management with Life Cycle ConsiderationsThursday 11:15-12:30
Jacques Teghem
Faculté Polytechnique de Mons
E.Dhouib;D.Tuyttens;T.LoukilLexicographic optimization of a bi-objective permutation flow shop with time lagsFriday 9:00-10:15
Christophe Ullrich
Royal Military Academy
F. Van Utterbeeck, M. Debacker, E. DhondtSIMEDIS disaster management simulator: major road traffic accidentFriday 14:00-15:40
Wim Vancroonenburg
KU Leuven - KAHO Sint-Lieven
Federico Della Croce, Dries Goossens, Frits SpieksmaThe Red-Blue Transportation ProblemThursday 14:00-15:40
Arnaud Vandaele
UMONS, Faculté Polytechnique
Daniel TuyttensA branch and bound algorithm for a lexicographic optimization of a bi-objective permutation flowshop with time lagsFriday 9:00-10:15
Christine Vanovermeire
University of Antwerp
Dries Vercruysse, Kenneth SörensenAnalysis of different cost allocation methods in a collaborative transport settingThursday 11:15-12:30
Lotte Verdonck
Hasselt University, Research Foundation Flanders (FWO)
Patrick Beullens, An Caris, Katrien Ramaekers, Gerrit K. JanssensThe cooperative facility location problemFriday 9:00-10:15
Jannes Verstichel
KU Leuven - KAHO Sint-Lieven
Patrick De Causmaecker, Greet Vanden BergheThe ship placement problem: Decision support through exact decompositionThursday 14:00-15:40
Jan Verwaeren
Ghent University
Michael Rademaker, Bernard De BaetsA Set-Based Approach to the Decomposition of Linear Mixtures Using Quasi-Convex ProgrammingThursday 16:10-17:25
Alessia Violin
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Bernard Fortz, Martine LabbéDantzig-Wolfe Reformulation for the Network Pricing Problem with Connected Toll ArcsThursday 11:15-12:30
Yuyi Wang
Jan RamonOn the statistical analysis of overlapping observations in large networksThursday 11:15-12:30
Tony Wauters
CODeS, KAHO Sint-Lieven
Jannes Verstichel, Greet Vanden BergheTwo- and three-dimensional strip packing: a shaking procedureFriday 9:00-10:15
Laurence Wolsey
Feng Qiu, Shabbir Ahmed, Santanu S. DeyCovering Linear Programs with ViolationsFriday 9:00-10:15
Luiza Zeltzer
Department of Industrial Management Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Ghent University Ghent, Belgium
Luiza Zeltzer, Veronique Limère, El-Houssaine Aghezzaf, Hendrik Van LandeghemMeasuring Complexity in Mixed-Model Assembly WorkstationsThursday 11:15-12:30
58 talks

  SOGESCI/ORBEL - Conference chair: Prof. P. De Causmaecker - Platform: Prof. M. Schyns