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Thursday 7 February:
Thursday 11:15-12:30 TA-1: COMEX Decision Making Room C.611 - Chair: B. Fortz
Thursday 11:15-12:30 TA-2: Production 1 Room C.601 - Chair: E.h. AGhezzaf
Thursday 11:15-12:30 TA-3: Global Optimization Room C.602 - Chair: D. Claeys
Thursday 11:15-12:30 TA-4: Transportation 1 Room C.603 - Chair: C. Vanovermeire
Thursday 14:00-15:40 TB-1: COMEX Health Room C.611 - Chair: G. Vanden Berghe
Thursday 14:00-15:40 TB-2: Routing Room C.601 - Chair: G.K. Janssens
Thursday 14:00-15:40 TB-3: Meta-Heuristics Room C.602 - Chair: P. Vansteenwegen
Thursday 14:00-15:40 TB-4: Transportation 2 Room C.603 - Chair: F.C.R Spieksma
Thursday 16:10-17:25 TC-1: COMEX Routing Room C.611 - Chair: K. Sôrensen
Thursday 16:10-17:25 TC-2: Sets, Relations and Rankings Room C.601 - Chair: B. De Baets
Thursday 16:10-17:25 TC-3: Logistics Room C.602 - Chair: S. Demeyer
- Automatic Aircraft Cargo Load Planning with Pick-up and Deliveries (PDF)
Virginie Lurkin (HEC- Université de Liège) Co-authors: Lurkin Virginie and Schyns Michael
- A tabu-embedded simulated annealing algorithm for a selective pickup and delivery problem (PDF)
Tabitha Maes (Hasselt University) Co-authors: An Caris, Katrien Ramaekers, Gerrit K. Janssens Abstract: Several actors are involved in the transport of goods. To model freight transport, the different actors who take part in the decision making process have to be represented. In (Maes et al., 2012) a conceptual framework is presented to model freight transport. The key actors in this framework are firms, carriers, and forwarders. This allows the model to work on an activity-based level, focusing on the different activities of each actor. The decision making process of carriers is one of the key aspects in modelling logistic decisions in a behaviour based transportation model. When modelling at an activity-based level, the behaviour of carriers has to be taken into account. The framework of Maes et al (2012) formulates decisions of the carrier as a selective pickup and delivery problem (PDSP). This is a novel approach to model logistic decisions in models with the objective to explain and predict freight flows. One of the important decisions a carrier has to make is whether or not to accept a transport request in order to maximize his profit. The selection of requests in a paired pickup and delivery problem is not often studied in literature. Next to this decision, he also needs to schedule the transport orders that are accepted into the different vehicles and construct a routing plan, given time and capacity limitations.
- An insertion-based heuristic for the constrained pickup and delivery problem (PDF)
Maarten Houbraken (UGent) Co-authors: T. Walcarius, S. Demeyer, P. Audenaert, D. Colle, M. Pickavet
Friday 9:00-10:15 FA-1: COMEX Logistics Room C.611 - Chair: Y. Crama
- The cooperative facility location problem (PDF)
Lotte Verdonck (Hasselt University, Research Foundation Flanders (FWO)) Co-authors: Patrick Beullens, An Caris, Katrien Ramaekers, Gerrit K. Janssens
- Two- and three-dimensional strip packing: a shaking procedure (PDF)
Tony Wauters (CODeS, KAHO Sint-Lieven) Co-authors: Jannes Verstichel, Greet Vanden Berghe
- Multiperiod vehicle loading with stochastic release dates (PDF)
Thierry Pironet (University of Liège) Co-authors: Y. Arda, Y. Crama, D. Kronus, Th. Pironet, P. Van Hentenryck
Friday 9:00-10:15 FA2: Production 2 Room C.611 - Chair: D. Tuyttens
Friday 9:00-10:15 FA-3: MIP Room C.603 - Chair: T. Dokka
Friday 14:00-15:40 FB-1: COMEX automatic tuning and organization Room C.611 - Chair: T. Stützle
Friday 14:00-15:40 FB2: Disaster, Water and Biology Room C.602 - Chair: L. Porretta
Friday 14:00-15:40 FB-3: Decision Making Room C.603 - Chair: D. Goossens