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Thursday 7 February:

9:00-9:30Registration (Room Spina)
9:30-10:45Plenary session
Invited speaker: El-Ghazali Talbi
Metaheuristics for multi-objective optimization - A unified view
10:45-11:15Coffee break
11:15-12:30Parallel sessions
  TA-1: COMEX Decision Making
Chair: B. Fortz
Room: C.611
TA-2: Production 1
Chair: E.h. AGhezzaf
Room: C.601
TA-3: Global Optimization
Chair: D. Claeys
Room: C.602
TA-4: Transportation 1
Chair: C. Vanovermeire
Room: C.603
14:00-15:40Parallel sessions
  TB-1: COMEX Health
Chair: G. Vanden Berghe
Room: C.611
TB-2: Routing
Chair: G.K. Janssens
Room: C.601
TB-3: Meta-Heuristics
Chair: P. Vansteenwegen
Room: C.602
TB-4: Transportation 2
Chair: F.C.R Spieksma
Room: C.603
15:40-16:10Coffee break
16:10-17:25Parallel sessions
  TC-1: COMEX Routing
Chair: K. Sôrensen
Room: C.611
TC-2: Sets, Relations and Rankings
Chair: B. De Baets
Room: C.601
TC-3: Logistics
Chair: S. Demeyer
Room: C.602
17:30-General Assembly (Room C.611)
19:30-Conference dinner (Carlton)

Friday 8 February
9:00-10:15Parallel sessions
  FA-1: COMEX Logistics
Chair: Y. Crama
Room: C.611
FA2: Production 2
Chair: D. Tuyttens
Room: C.611
Chair: T. Dokka
Room: C.603
10:15-10:40Coffee break
10:40-12:40Plenary session
Wolsey award announcement
Invited speaker: Andrea Schaerf
Educational Timetabling: Problems, Benchmarks, Algorithms, Software Tools, and Practical Issues
14:00-14:30IMinds Information Session (Room C.611)
14:30-16:10Parallel sessions
  FB-1: COMEX automatic tuning and organization
Chair: T. Stützle
Room: C.611
FB2: Disaster, Water and Biology
Chair: L. Porretta
Room: C.602
FB-3: Decision Making
Chair: D. Goossens
Room: C.603
16:10-16:40Coffee break

Thursday 11:15-12:30 TA-1: COMEX Decision Making
Room C.611 - Chair: B. Fortz

Thursday 11:15-12:30 TA-2: Production 1
Room C.601 - Chair: E.h. AGhezzaf

Thursday 11:15-12:30 TA-3: Global Optimization
Room C.602 - Chair: D. Claeys

Thursday 11:15-12:30 TA-4: Transportation 1
Room C.603 - Chair: C. Vanovermeire

Thursday 14:00-15:40 TB-1: COMEX Health
Room C.611 - Chair: G. Vanden Berghe

Thursday 14:00-15:40 TB-2: Routing
Room C.601 - Chair: G.K. Janssens

Thursday 14:00-15:40 TB-3: Meta-Heuristics
Room C.602 - Chair: P. Vansteenwegen

Thursday 14:00-15:40 TB-4: Transportation 2
Room C.603 - Chair: F.C.R Spieksma

Thursday 16:10-17:25 TC-1: COMEX Routing
Room C.611 - Chair: K. Sôrensen
  • An Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for a Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Trips and Driver Shifts (PDF)
    Véronique François (HEC-Management School of the University of Liège)
    Co-authors: Yasemin Arda and Yves Crama
  • New Metaheuristics for the Risk Constraint Cash-in-Transit Vehicle Routing Problem (PDF)
    Luca Talarico (University of Antwerp)
    Co-authors: K. Sörensen and J. Springael
  • Routing for couriers: a multi-objective tabu search method to rebalance a tactical route plan with microzones (PDF)
    Jochen Janssens (University of Antwerp)
    Co-authors: Joos Van Den Bergh
    Courier companies face a highly dynamic vehicle routing problem with many thousands of pick-ups and deliveries. Currently, even the best vehicle routing algorithms are not up to the challenges posed by such routing problems because: (1) courier routing problems are too large for most algorithms, and (2) processes that rely on the final routing plan, such as the sorting and loading of parcels in vehicles, need to start long before all the data required for such a routing plan is available. As a result, the planning processes in most courier companies are currently poorly supported by automatic planning tools. Instead, they rely on more stable organisational structures for the distribution of their parcels. A popular technique is to partition the distribution area into zones, based on, e.g., zip codes. In this talk we propose to create smaller microzones that can be used as building blocks, and are more or less permanently assigned to vehicles in a so-called tactical plan. The final vehicle routing should be based on this plan, but the plan is adapted when capacity violations or workload imbalances occur due to the stochastic nature of the problem. In this talk we tackle the problem of rebalancing unbalanced tactical plans. In order to do this we assume that a tactical plan is given, and that estimates on the workload per region are known. We focus on combining the zones into feasible vehicle routes while taking into account three objectives : the total transportation cost, the number of reallocated microzones, and the workload balance. By solving this problem, couriers are able to convert their tactical route plan into an efficient operational plan with balanced workloads, without reallocating too many microzones. The algorithm presented in this talk produces a set of non-dominated solutions,and leaves it to the decision maker to choose the final solution according to his/her preferences. As he/she should not be overwhelmed with choices, we argue that the algorithm should only present a limited number of interesting solutions. In practice, this means the set of produced non-dominated solutions should be filtered so that only the most diverse ones remain.

Thursday 16:10-17:25 TC-2: Sets, Relations and Rankings
Room C.601 - Chair: B. De Baets

Thursday 16:10-17:25 TC-3: Logistics
Room C.602 - Chair: S. Demeyer

Friday 9:00-10:15 FA-1: COMEX Logistics
Room C.611 - Chair: Y. Crama

Friday 9:00-10:15 FA2: Production 2
Room C.611 - Chair: D. Tuyttens

Friday 9:00-10:15 FA-3: MIP
Room C.603 - Chair: T. Dokka

Friday 14:00-15:40 FB-1: COMEX automatic tuning and organization
Room C.611 - Chair: T. Stützle

Friday 14:00-15:40 FB2: Disaster, Water and Biology
Room C.602 - Chair: L. Porretta

Friday 14:00-15:40 FB-3: Decision Making
Room C.603 - Chair: D. Goossens

  SOGESCI/ORBEL - Conference chair: Prof. P. De Causmaecker - Platform: Prof. M. Schyns