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Key speakers

Prof. Michel Bierlaire

EPFL Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Bio: [Show]

Modeling advanced disaggregate demand as MILP
Choice models are powerful tools to capture the detailed choice behavior of individuals, characterizing the demand at a disaggregate level. Although many such models are available in the literature, they are very rarely integrated in optimization models. The main reason is that they are non-linear, non-convex and often not available in closed form. We propose a modeling framework that allows to represent (almost) any choice model as constraints for MILP. The talk describes the framework and illustrates its relevance on some examples.
Presentation slides (pdf)

Prof. Dominique Feillet

Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne and LIMOS
Head of the Logistics and Manufacturing Sciences department
Bio: [Show]

Vehicle routing problems with road-network information
Since the introduction of the Vehicle Routing Problem more than 50 years ago, routing is defined as "the process of selecting best routes in a complete graph". However, there are several situations where the abstraction of the road network into a complete graph (the so-called customer-based graph) is at best disputable, at worst can lead to a bad optimization of vehicle routes. In this presentation we will discuss about the possibility of considering more information from the road network. We will review the literature, detail several situations where additional information from the road network could be helpful and describe some consequences on exact or heuristic solution approaches.
Presentation slides (pdf)

Prof. Martin Savelsbergh

H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering, GeorgiaTech
Chair and Co-Director of Supply Chain & Logistics Institute
Bio: [Show]

Recent Advances in Criterion Space Search Algorithms for Multi-objective Mixed Integer Programming
Multi-objective optimization problems are pervasive in practice. In contrast to single-objective optimization, the goal in multi-objective optimization is to generate a set of solutions that induces the Pareto front, i.e., the set of all nondominated points. A nondominated point is a vector of objective function values evaluated at a feasible solution, with the property that there exists no other feasible solution that is at least as good in all objective function values and better in one or more of them. Recently, criterion space search algorithms, in which the search for the Pareto front takes place in the space of the vectors of objective function values, i.e., the criterion space, have gained in popularity. These methods exploit the advances in single-objective optimization solvers, since they repeatedly solve single-objective optimization problems. We will introduce and discuss criterion space search algorithms for both pure and mixed multi-objective integer programs.
Presentation slides (pdf)

  ORBEL - Conference chair: Prof. A. Arda - Platform: Prof. M. Schyns.