About the Journal

The journal JORBEL has its own history. The basics of it lie in the year 1960. In that year, three societies decided to publish jointly a ‘Bulletin’. One of the three was the SBS - Société Belge de Statistique / Belgische Vereniging voor Statistiek (founded in 1937). It started its own Bulletin, which appeared annually. It contained general information related to the society and texts or abstracts of presentations held at the meetings of the society. So, in 1960 this bulletin was published jointly with two societies called ABSI and AGESCI. ABSI (founded in 1957) stands for Association Belge pour les Applications Industrielles de la Statistique / Belgische Vereniging voor Industriële Toepassingen van de Statistiek. AGESCI (founded in 1958) stands for Association Belge pour l’Application des Méthodes scientifiques de la Gestion / Belgische Vereniging voor de Toepassingen van de Wetenschappelijke Methoden van Bedrijfsbeheer. In 1962 both latter societies joined into the society SOGESCI/BVWB, which stands for Société belge pour l’Application des Méthodes scientifiques de Gestion / Belgische Vereniging voor Toepassing van Wetenschappelijke Methodes in het Bedrijfsbeheer. The new journal took the form of a classical scientific journal, appearing four times per year and being entitled Revue Belge de Statistique et de Recherche Opérationnelle – Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Statistiek en Operationeel Onderzoek.

From 1985 on, the publication was continued only by the society SOGESCI/BVWB under the name Belgian Journal of Operations Research, Statistics and Computer Science (JORBEL).

In 2005, Gerrit K. Janssens (UHasselt), together with Kenneth Sörensen (UAntwerp) started to digitize the archives of JORBEL in a project dubbed "Borsalino". After many years of inactivity, the Borsalino project was finally finished in January 2020 and presented at the ORBEL 34 conference in Lille (F).ogesci